
When a number = great news!

After a very long wait, it would appear that our adoption dossier (i.e. a cinder-block of legal paperwork) has finally received a number-#89! This is GREAT NEWS! Praise to God! For those of you unfamiliar with the international adoption process, this basically means that we are finally out of the locker room, and on the bench. Now, we pray and wait...

Here is a copy of the email we received yesterday:

Dear Jason & Susan,

This email is to inform you that we have received your family’s dossier number as it stands with the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion in Rwanda.  Your family’s number is 89.

Thank you for your patience in waiting for this information.  

We have been and continue to pray for your family and for those leading the adoption process in Rwanda.

In Him,

(Name Withheld)
America World Adoption