
Taking Genesis 28 Seriously at the (Pro?)Creation Museum

Last week, for their Fall Break, I surprised my two sons (5 & 9) with an all-day trip to the Creation Museum in Cincinnati, Ohio. When I first heard about the museum, I was a little reluctant to check it out (given how weird we Christians can get with this particular issue), but after much prodding from many of my friends and family who had enjoyed their visit, I decided to take the plunge. Overall, it was not a bad experience, although my kids (especially my 9 year old) were a little stunned by the exhibit where Adam & Eve were depicted being, uh...fruitful...hey, it's in the Bible, right?  It's a good thing I had that 'talk' with Ethan already...

Here is an actual picture:

And another:

So, what do YOU think?